Advanced Stats Glossary


aDOT - Average depth of target. Average distance the ball is thrown down field per passing attempt.

Air Yards Completed - The number of yards the ball travels downfield from the line of scrimmage to where the wide receiver catches the ball.

Air Yards Thrown- The total yards downfield for all throws, whether or not they were completed (excluding spikes and throwaways).

AY Conversion% - Total number of Air Yards Completed divided by Total of Intended Air Yards.

Catchable% - The percentage of pass attempts that were deemed catchable, excluding spikes, throwaways, and miscommunications. Includes defensed accurate passes.

On Tgt% - The number of on-target throws a quarterback makes divided by the total number of pass attempts. Does not include plays with no reasonable accuracy expectation such as: spikes, throwaways, QB/receiver miscommunications, receiver slips, and passes batted at the line of scrimmage.

Press/Sack - The number of pressures recorded to every sack recorded.

Press% - Any play in which there is a quarterback hurry, hit, or knockdown divided by drop backs.

Sack% - Sacks divided by drop backs.


Broken Tackle - A defender was in position to make a tackle and made contact with the ball carrier, but failed to bring them down.

Designed Gap - Rushing attempt on which the ballcarrier ran through the gap that the play was designed for, based on the runner's aiming point and the blocking scheme.

Evasion% - Broken and Missed Tackles divided rushing attempts.

Hit at Line - Rushing attempts on which the ballcarrier was contacted at or before the line of scrimmage.

Missed Tackle - A defender was in position to make a tackle but the ballcarrier eluded the tackle without any contact being made.

Stuff - Rushing attempt which resulted in zero or fewer yards.

Yards After Contact - The amount of yards the ball carrier achieves after first contact is made by a defender.

Yards After Contact% - Yards After Contact divided by rushing yards.

Yards B4 Contact - The amount of yards the ball carrier achieves before first contact is made by a defender.


AY Conversion% - Converted Air Yards divided Intended Air Yards.

Broken Tackle - A defender was in position to make a tackle and made contact with the receiver, but failed to bring them down.

Catchable% - The percentage of targets that were deemed catchable.

Converted Air Yards - The number of yards the ball travels downfield from the line of scrimmage to where the wide receiver catches the ball.

DPI - Defensive pass interference.

Evasion% - Broken and Missed Tackles divided receptions.

Intended Air Yards - Abbreviated to IAY, The number of yards the ball travels downfield from the line of scrimmage to the intended receiver. Includes both complete and incompleted passes.

Missed Tackle - A defender was in position to make a tackle but the receiver eluded the tackle without any contact being made.

Yds After Catch/Rec - The amount of additional yards the receiver gains after catching the ball per reception.

Yards After Contact/Rec - The amount of yards the receiver achieves after first contact is made by a defender per reception.

Yards B4 Contact/Rec - The amount of yards the receiver achieves before first contact is made by a defender per reception.

Pass Defense:

aDOT - Average depth of target on passes for which the defensive player was the primary defender.

Catchable% - percentage of passes deemed catchable for which the defensive player was the primary defender.

Comp - A Completed pass for which the defensive player was the primary defender.

Coverage Snaps - The number of pass snaps on which the player was in coverage.

Defended - Passes defensed; the number of times the defender broke up a throw at the catch point. This can be done by either knocking the ball away or hitting the receiver as the ball reaches them to disrupt the catch.

Defended - Defensive pass interference.

IntendedAY - The total yards downfield for all throws, whether or not they were completed (excluding spikes and throwaways) for which the defensive player was the primary defender.

IntendedAY - The total yards downfield for all throws, whether or not they were completed (excluding spikes and throwaways) for which the defensive player was the primary defender.

Yds/CS - Yards allowed by the defensive player per coverage snap.