The RotoViz Range Of Outcomes tool uses historical data to helps users to better understand a player’s realistic range of outcomes for the coming season. The tool reviews a player’s statistics from his two most recent seasons to match him with players from prior seasons that produced similar statistics. By looking at how these players performed in their next season, the tool is able to build a reasonable expectation of what the searched player’s upcoming season might look like.
It’s important to recognize that these ranges are entirely produced by a statistical model. As a result, they don’t always align with the RotoViz Team’s expectations of a player’s performance in the coming season. Also, they do not know if a player has changed teams and can only be generated for players that have enough NFL data available for the model to use. As a result, rookies or players that saw limited action in the prior season can't be included
For more information on using the app, interpreting the results, and understanding how it was built please refer to the article lined at the top of the page.